Mr Baboon : Sir
Hello! Mr Baboon Sir, won't you come right through our door
There's fruit upon the window ledge, food in the pantry store
Our swimming pool is right outside, so jump in won't you please
We'll bring you cocktails just now now, to put you at your ease
I'm sure you have some relatives just waiting in the wings
Tell them to bring their bathing suits and bentley belts and things
The next door neighbour has a gun he’s crazy it is true
We'll warn you Sir, if he comes out to take a crack at you
We have a grooming table Sir, you're welcome to that too
And if you should get thirsty there is water in the loo
Our beds are soft and comfortable please make yourself at home
And if you have acquaintances please make use of the phone
You always will be welcome to take a look around
You don't need to call ahead, you’ll be back I am bound
I'll keep the windows open so that you can come right in
Just turn up at this house Sir like you are kith and kin
Just a Note: I love these baboons and this poem reflects the
attitude of residents who do have them coming into their houses and raiding the fridge and anything else they can find.