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I woke up with an Eley 

They’re some who think that I am nuts,

Some read it and smile in distrust

I’ll tell it,  so you can construe,

And work out if this tale is true.


The bush was dry the way remote

We couldn't  paddled there by boat

But on we bounced, a long time past

Until we reached the bridge at last


Our eyes and heads spun at the scene

Of Eley’s washing in the stream

They played and sprayed and flicked the sludge

At least a score or more I’d judge


The sun was sinking in the sky

We had to get on, by ‘n by

We set up camp and raised our nets

To keep out all unwanted pests


My mentor wakened me at dawn

Persuaded me to come along

With fishing rods and worms galore

A thing I hadn’t done before


We snuck on past the Buffalo

We tiptoed past him very slow

His glazed and bovine half-mast eyes

Watched ‘til we reached the misty rise


The beach stretched to the riverside

The long Zambezi flowing wide

The fish weren’t biting much that day

I caught one though, I have to say


The guide then took us for a walk

He cautioned us to watch not talk

As crocs lay basking on the beach

We made sure we stayed out of reach


We melted in the noonday heat

The walk had made us all dead-beat

Siesta moment was the call

A powernap was had by all


The tickle on my sodden brow

Was all I felt at first, somehow?

I slit my eyes, my heart went thump

As I looked right up an Eley’s trunk.


Drifting up and up his nose

I met his eyes in sweet repose

He loved me right then, I could tell

I fell in love with him as well


Caressing gently, strangely calm

He lightly stroked my face and arm

He gazed at me then strolled away

I wanted my new love to stay


I walked alone was quite content

Until I met my Elephant

You can believe it if you try

He’s in my heart until I die.


Liz Horwill

March 2008 (Mana Pools 1981)

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